Tuesday, September 09, 2008

What we can do

It would be easy to lose hope right now and let the Republicans roll right over us once again. Parapluie has another idea. She put it into comments, but I thought it was worth putting here to hope others will see it and think about it for themselves. I have said all along that Obama can't do it by himself. It will take us, and he has said the same thing. He is an organizer, someone who helps get people started but it's never been him promising a pie in the sky or that he's the Messiah. He needs people working for the same goals. We have to speak out, put up signs to show where we stand, and donate whatever we can afford to the campaign. This is not the time to give up.

Parapluie suggested this:

"I was shy about going out and campaigning in our neighborhood. I know in our immediate neighborhood there are some who have a view close to Christian Fundamentalists. This is something I have never done before. But that is all changed.

"This is absolutely the best way to elect Obama as president. I believe even the neighbors who don't want to talk to me and are angered by my approaching them are less angered by me than any other outreach to them.

"And because I ended the politics immediately by saying a OK and wishing them a good day, they might come around in the quiet of their own space as events come up itn the next two months. In our neighborhood we share the sadness that a house was returned to the bank and the nice hard working neighbor had to move out.

"I do want others to reach out to neighbors as I am doing. I am not depressed because it ain't over until it is over. I urge more people to go out and voice the strategy set up by Obama's campaign because it is brilliant. Reaching neighbors could make all the difference.

"The campaign team knows the economy is hurting us most and we might care to know that he has energized the first group he helped in South Chicago. Notice this is not hand outs but a proven way to get people involved in government to get the education they need to find new work.His Chicago project had real results in empowering the workers who lost their jobs because the steel plant closed.

"In the programed neighborly script his big message to undecided voters is to assure us that he will fight for all Americans, passing health care reform that will save families $2,500 per year, closing corporate tax loopholes, and delivering up to $1,500 in tax relief to hard working Americans.

"Then there is a question for the undecided on which of six issues they care about most - Health Care, Trade, Iraq, Foreign Policy, Education . The process prescribed in campaigning will only work if more people volunteer and start soon. This grass root approach has great potential. So please give it a try.

"Another hopeful note for the Obama campaign is that they are campaigning to sign up thousands of young voters. Have they been polled? I don't think so. To learn more about the new ads for Obama go to http://pol.moveon.org."


  1. McCain's choice of Sarah Palin has energized his campaign - and that scares me. Americans can be so foolish sometimes, and elect a candidate for all the wrong reasons. Let's hope Obama's integrity and experience win over the hearts and minds of every voter.

  2. I applaud this post. Huffinton Post has an article today from the Obama campaign about all the hyperventilating over polls. They have enough to do without the rest of us sinking into despair and handwringing. If we begin to speak out of despair the polls will cause us to lost this election and the Republicans and media will win. I say onward and upward with never a tone of despair and handwringing.

  3. And I actually ranted on MY blog today. And you know that is something I rarely do!! But I have HAD it!!!

  4. Take heart, don't worry about the people who have decided. Don't worry about how come they are the way they are. Don't worry about the polls. They are not accurate in close races. We are in the majority if we can keep our spirits high and overcome our inertia and get out and vote. Last night I went back to an undecided voter's home to reach his wife who wasn't home. I gave them a print out on the issue that most concerned him - Obama's immigration policy. I also looked up McCain's. He didn't have a policy. It was panic all the way. He described all the military possibities we have for combatting illigals comming over our borders. He said first we have to increase our military presence and secure the borders leaving the impression that the problem is only one of defense. Obama on the other hand wants to know why they are coming and he would work with the Mexican government to improve their economay. Also reading through all his voting records on immigration I finally read that he believed that only English be taught in the schools. English speaking Obama whose first school experience was in an all Indonesian language school has a better plan. Start bilingual students where they are in their own language teaching only the basic subjects in their language so they can understand with the objective to as quickly as possible interject English. He doesn't know the method that will be the best but we should study how to teach bilinguals most effectively. We do need foreign labor and need a legal way to have it. These people should have legal access to work and we should make sure that they have a way to stay together as a family going back to their home country. Obama has true leadership skill. Only the weak leader needs an enemy to rally the people to a unified effort.

  5. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I totally agree with her. We had another community meeting Mon. evening here on Cedar Key. All of the volunteers for Obama's campaign. AND I was surprised and happy to learn that "I" won the prize for making the most phone calls in our area.....I get to go to Obama's site to choose a tee shirt, or something.
    While that's very nice....it makes me extremely proud that I AM DOING SOMETHING! The more I do, the more I want to do. Because yes, it's US, the people, that CAN make a difference. So people, get OUT there and do whatever you can. I feel another blog entry coming on for my own blog.
