Wednesday, September 10, 2008

lipstick on a pig

Isn't YouTube wonderful. John McCain is criticizing Obama for using the term lipstick on a pig... Guess what: John McCain said 'lipstick on a pig' too. The Republicans are definitely the best at something-- they call it hypocrisy.


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I think Sarah Palin will turn out to be something other than what the Republicans promote her to be. And in that instance yes McCain was a hypocrite for criticizing Obama for saying something that he had said himself !

  2. We're talking major hypocrisy from the Republican -- so what else is new??? And, yes, hooray for YouTube!

  3. Hello,
    I've been reading your blog for some time now. I see you have been wondering what you can do about your election.
    I'm a Canadian living on Vancuver Island and have been very closely watching The US election. I hope so much that you will have an Obama-Biden win.
    I think you'd be very interested in having a look at the following blog and that perhaps you could send it a long to all your blogging friends. I wish I could have a vote. I almost feel we should have one as what happens in your country has a very big impact on us as well.
    Please take a look at this blog.

    All the best and God speed to Obama and Biden.

    Elaine in Canada

  4. Rain, have you seen this one?

    Tonight I watched the two CNN documentaries on Biden and Palin and I learned a lot about both of them I didn't know before. I'm going to watch Elaine in Canada's link.
