Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Isn't a dream one step toward claiming power?
Some claim dreams are not real.

It may take years to realize a dream, but dreaming itself is an elevating experience.
Maya Angelou

Go confidently in the direction of your dream. Live the life you have imagined.

Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a winged bird that cannot fly.
Langston Hughes

Dreams are necessary to life.
Anais Nin

Materialize your dreams and begin to live them. Build that magnificent dream lodge within you with total commitment.
Lynn V. Andrews


  1. We all need our dreams -- for ourself, our children, our friends, and our country. They are the basis for success of any kind.
    Your pictures are gorgeous!

  2. Beautiful photography, Rain. My dreams are smaller now, but I still have a few.

  3. I was crest fallen the other day when I read these bumper stickers on a car. One said I am retired. The other said "Don't ask me to dream." Shortly afterwards I talked to a politically conservtive neighbor. She said whatever I do to support Obama will make no difference. What will be will be. A very big block that we face is that we as a people are powerless.
    Dreams are the beginning of changing power.

  4. Beautiful photographs, rain. I think there is even a biological necessity for dreams.

  5. I like your photos. I don't know what makes our dreams but we all do seem to have them. Some make sense, some do not.

  6. Yes, yes, yes--and hope. As we grow older, it does get harder to dream in a visionary sense (recalling and interpreting dreams is another subject), as is hope. Most of your "accomplishments" lay behind you and not in front of you, or that is the way it seems sometimes.

    Beautiful photography, Rain. Montana is one of the few states I haven't visited even though my son did his residency in Billings. One of these days. That's a dream I have--to see Montana.

  7. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Rain, the comment about your hopeless neighbor reminded of the story where a young boy was walking on the beach trying to throw back as many starfish as he could. Along came a grumpy old person and said "What do you think you're doing? Can't you see how many starfish there are and what you're doing won't make a difference?" Then as the boy picked up another and tossed into the ocean he said "But it made a difference to this one!"

    That's how we keep our dreams alive, one step at a time.

    In this analogy, those who support Obama are like the little boy and those who support McCain are like the grumpy old person.

    You get to choose who you would rather emulate.

  8. And NEVER ever ever, give up your dreams!

    BEAUTIFUL Post, dear Rain....!
