Monday, August 25, 2008

Choosing Wisely

To me, Joe Biden, for Vice President, was the perfect choice for Barack Obama who listed the qualities that he felt would be most important for an Obama administration-- someone with experience, who would speak their mind, and with whom he could work in tandem.

If Hillary Clinton had been chosen for vice president, she would have been constantly undermining Obama. Look at how much of a starring role she has sought in the Convention. A president must trust his vice president and I think he knew that was impossible where it came to her. He may well ask her to join his cabinet, if he is elected, but working at his side, after the primary, was clearly not realistic.

As for her supporters, who say they will now vote for McCain, it is almost an insult to her that they would say such a thing. It means her fans weren't caring about issues-- something many believed to be the case.

I understand those who want to see someone of their own gender or race finally attaining power, but is this the time for such thinking with such serious problems facing the world? I think it has to be about who can most help the world and in my opinion, that will be the team of Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

Biden was someone I really would have favored even in the primary, but he didn't have what the majority of voters wanted (1% of the vote) and whether someone thinks it's not how it should be, it was how it was.

He will be in a very strong position as Vice President with a Barack Obama presidency because I think Obama will turn to him for insights and advice. He can use him around the world. Obama had to choose someone with whom he could work. He decided that combination of experience and a personality that meshed with his were found in Joe Biden. It pleases me also that he overlooked what Biden said in the heat of the campaign for what he saw as most important for the country. It means Obama can get beyond ego for the good of the country. He also didn't turn to someone who could deliver a big state. He did what I hoped-- chose someone who could help him govern.

Some say choosing an insider was a mistake for Obama, but if he had chosen someone with no more experience than he had in Washington, it would have played into the hands of those who saw his presidency as a risk and too inexperienced. Choosing Biden means he will have someone working with him who understands what has been going on for the last 30 years, someone who will speak his mind, the inside and the outside came together with a chance for a genuine new directions at a time where we desperately need them. To me, it's a no brainer that the person with the new ideas and charisma choose the war horse to help him carry out those plans.

These photos are all from around Missoula. They are part of Montana's beauty but also represent looking at the long distance, the way that water beats against rock to finally see changes, and the tiny, beautiful things that we often walk right past without seeing. More pics to come whenever I can get online. So much to enjoy and see; so little time.


  1. First of all, your photos are terrific! Secondly, all that you say is so true and I'm happy about Biden for all the same reasons.
    I hope these idiot Clinton supporters will try thinking of their country and party first rather than this pouty thing some women are so damn good at!
    Hope you're have a great trip!

  2. I am very happy about Joe Biden as well - it is a good choice and gives us a VP candidate who is a good match for Obama. I am very excited for the next steps - it is critical. I love your photos - as always. Have a restful, relaxing vacation. Take care.

  3. I also think it was an excellent choice, for all the reasons you mentioned. Biden's experience pretty well negates the arguments about Obama's lack of international experience. And his actual international experience as far as life is concerned is really more than any of the others have. They should do well.

  4. I'm very happy with Barack's choice of Joe Biden. They balance each other, I think. I can only hope that Hillary's uncommitted supporters will come around.

    How distressing to hear they arrested men in Denver tonight who were planning to assassinate Barack during his acceptance speech. I wish I could shake the fear that I feel.

  5. Love your photos from around Missoula. We where there only 2 years ago.
    As said before, I wish that Americans will vote for a President that understand the new, wired and share trade and benefits world.

    btw. Sorry for my lack of English compentancy. I do, about, my best when commenting and writing my blog in your mother tongue.
