Sunday, June 15, 2008

Maya's Granny

This afternoon reading the blogs, I learned Maya's Granny has passed away. It seems this has been a hard week-end with Tim Russert passing away on Friday. Though most of us never met him, he came into our living rooms and gave us information making us feel we did know him. Suddenly he was gone and it seemed way before his time.

Blogs also form a kind of distant community where we may never physically meet; but we get to feeling we know each other; and so it was for many of us with Maya's Granny. It is a loss for us but of course nothing like for her family and close friends. I won't go into details regarding any of it as you can read her blog for yourself if you were one of her many fans. If you hadn't ever read her words, go there, check back through her archives, and you might just become a fan: Maya's Granny.

Life comes and goes. It is a cycle and we all know we will one day pass to the other side; or if we don't believe in another side, that we will be no more. I do believe in another side. I think that a dream her daughter had shortly before her mother died was telling her how it is now for her mother. I am not going to repeat the dream here because you can go there to read it for yourself and form your own opinion what it meant.

Life is beautiful, tragic, filled with love and sometimes hate, laughter and tears. If you believe as I do, it is also mysterious. Even believing there is more to life than the flesh we know today, still I feel teary about a good woman dying prematurely but also warm inside thinking of her daughter's dream that fits with so much of what I believe. Yes, there is more here than we know.

"Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand -- and melting like a snowflake."
Sir Francis Bacon


  1. Your feelings for another blogger is inspiring. Our community is increasingly becoming the internet comunity.
    Alos wish to muse. How interesting is Bacon's quote in refering to life as being like a snow flake. Water keeps existing and will again take form in other snow flakes.
    There is a name for that philosophy. I can't remember my short philosophy course. It is solice for anyone not believing in the after life.

  2. I just found out about Maya's Granny too Rain. I'm crushed. This was a wonderful post...she was a beautiful soul wasn't she? Thanks for this sweet tribute to her Rain.....I'm still stunned.

  3. What a lovely tribute, rain. I only read Maya's Granny a few times, after you posted about her a few months back. Her daughter's dream is quite touching and powerful.

  4. Hi Rain
    I came hear from Maya's Granny and J and Ted's post.
    I was touched by your comment on J's post and just wanted to check your wonderful bog out.
    What a wonderful tribute!

  5. Anonymous9:52 AM

    What a beautiful post, Rain. And I also extend my sympathies to you for the loss of your blog friend.
    I didn't know Maya's Granny, but did know "of" her, seeing her comments on blogs.
    So I did just go and read about the daughter's dream and left my condolences. Like you, I very much believe that there is more after our time on earth and I feel her dream was the reality. Her mother is young again, free from pain and happy. How lucky the daughter was to have that dream.
    I also loved Bacon's verse here at the end of your post. SO true! Carpe Diem, I always say and firmly believe.
    Such a sad week it's been, starting with the loss of Tim Russert on Friday.

  6. Anonymous9:56 AM

    So sad... and yes, we feel it, even though we never met her except online.

    She will be missed...
