Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Worthy Reading

Because I think so many people have their minds made up on political candidates right now, I haven't written about Hillary Clinton's blatant lies lifting her experience level whatever way she can including claiming having been under sniper fire in Bosnia. I figured those who like her will grasp at her claiming it as a misspeak due to sleep deprivation (never mind she claimed she would be the sharp one at 3 AM; never mind that she included this story over a three month span in various speeches); and those who don't will call it what it was, a lie. Lack of genuine character has always been my objection to her as president. Having experienced almost eight years of a president with no clue what character might be, despite all his religious talk, I sure have not wanted more of that.

There have been many good articles about Hillary's character recently and probably if someone wants to continue liking her, if having a woman as president is a priority to them, they have skipped them. Pieces by writers like Peggy Noonan are still easy to find if someone is wanting to do so. This one, for me, however is the best because it goes beyond her lie to the deeper Bosnian story. So like her or not, please read the following link with an open mind; and if you have not voted in a primary yet, think about it long and hard before you do.


  1. That is a powerful article. Hillary is only interested in one thing and that is her own power. The fact that she lied about this shows how bad she wants to be "the man". It just makes me sick to think that so many people in this country actually believe that she cares about anything other than herself. She disrespects our troops that ARE under sniper fire on a regular basis doing their jobs.

  2. That article is indeed an eye opener.

    As to the 3am phone call, I can see it now:

    (Ring-ring) "Hello, just a minute please."

    Hillary takes the phone & walks down the hall to the next bedroom, enters and waking Bill, says "Here, this call is for you."

  3. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely !
