Saturday, January 19, 2008

Political Compass

Stu Savory had a good blog for the 18th-- Whither US Politics? that shows us where the current slate of presidential candidates show up. I guess it's not surprising that they would ALL be authoritarian except Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich. It only varied as to how authoritarian.

Although I have taken this test before, I did it again. I forgot exactly where I had been the last time but know it was in the same neighborhood-- libertarian near Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama.

There is another link on the test site regarding what people like Gandhi, Mandela and the Dalai Lama actually have said in case someone thinks that it's good to be near them in a test. I didn't do very well on this particular test until I got the message that if someone preaches non-violence, look for when they actually advocated something else-- Iconochasms. It is enough to make one head for the hills-- until I remember I already live there.

The political test is an interesting one to take (even if you end up displeased by who you rate alongside) to remind yourself of your own issues if you have forgotten and currently are voting on anything else-- like say Hillary going on a talk show so she can get emotional about the old Monica Lewinsky scandal-- right before more primaries. Think that's a coincidence?


  1. Interesting test. The questions were very good ones that made me think. I am charmed to know I have something in common with the Dalai Lama- ajacent space on the political compas.

  2. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I came out Libertarian !!

  3. I haven't tried that test but have to admit to getting pretty tired of politics as usual. It seems that it is always the same and rarely turns out to be what the people, or at least me, wants. I am getting tired of my country being the World Police and usually acting pretty much alone in those areas. What really is the purpose of the United Nations (this especially in reference to your last post about Darfur)?

  4. If I read these charts correctly...It looks like I am over there with The Dahli Lama...
    I'd like to gelieve that's really true....!
    All these kinds of tests are flawed at best because there is no room for any grays....!
    But it certainly is interesting Rain...Thanks for this!

  5. Anonymous4:24 AM

    I'm down there in the lower left quadrant with you, which does not surprise me. I collected all the info to blog it but just haven't had the time to get to it...

  6. That was an interesting test. I like these kinds of things, but hold on to your hat, I agree with the Old Lady of the Hills. There is no room for gray areas or partial agreement. But then again it is just a computer test.

    I came up almost dead center. And just a little right and a little libertarian. About where I thought I would land.

    Economic Left/Right: 1.12
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.13

  7. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Hi Rain,
    just blogged the results which you people have been sending me, together with YAUPRT (Yet Another US Politics Ranking Test). Go try the latter :-)

  8. I took Stu's other test and posted the results on my blog. Kind of surprising that I got a Dem and a Rep tied for second place. I guess I really don't fit into any party 100%.

  9. i went to stu's site and took the political test. I came out Richardson (who is out) Edwards and Obama on top. Hillary was up there too but the test didn't rate character as a factor :)

  10. I got Richardson second. See we are not that far apart on our beliefs. :-)
