Saturday, December 29, 2007

executive power

I would like to encourage anyone, especially if still undecided regarding their vote in the rapidly approaching primaries, to read the following link and check out the results of the poll where each candidate was asked to answer the questions on where they stand on Executive Power.

To me, there has not been any issue that matters more than stopping the path upon which the current administration has set the United States-- toward an imperial presidency with signing statements undoing laws, arresting people with no warrant nor need for a charge, torturing, going to war using lies, and justifying it all by saying in time of war, which the president decides this is or is not, anything goes for the executive branch and ordinary laws are not meaningful.

This country was founded on the goal of democracy which does not mean one person or even a small group running everything. Recently, this generation has seemed all too willing to fritter Constitutional rights away in the supposed name of safety-- all the while shouting out loudly how much they value democracy and how patriotic they are.

Who can we trust to change course-- and a change of course is required if we don't want to lose our ability to ever change it! What candidates say they will do doesn't always end up rarely ends up being what they do; but at least if they begin by saying they favor an imperial presidency (as Mitt Romney and Rudolph Giuliani proudly declare) all in the name of protection, of course, you are forewarned.

For all of you who have not minded the build up of executive power, how will you feel about it being in Hillary's hands where it might just be next year in January? Power once given away is not easily retrieved.


  1. I saw this piece today and thought it goes along with my concerns but has a different take on how to stop our plummet toward a royal president-- Conservative Supreme Court and Democratic President

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    The word "democracy" doess not occur even once in the Constitution.

    If your child was kidnapped would you torture someone who knew where he/she was 0to get him/her back?

  3. hi twomartini. i have seen you post at Winston's and am glad to see you voice your opinions here. It's always good to hear the other side of any issue.

    We are a Republic, a representative government and not a democracy which make it interesting how often Bush talks about spreading democracy since we don't have one; but we do have the right to impeach and we do vote directly for some laws-- in our states. The concerns I have had are with the Bill of Rights, Habeas Corpus, right of seizure with no proof or reason, right of free speech, etc.

    As for torture. They say it does not work except with a TV show; so I don't think I'd even think of torturing someone in that hypothetical case. The guy they have bragged so much on how they tortured him and got valuable info, now it turns out the info was false and he's always been mentally off, not to mention not a higher up in al Qaeda. McCain, who knows a thing or two about torture, opposes it. The ones who like it best probably get their information direction from entertainment...

    So, I'd kill someone to protect my child but not sure I'd have it in me to torture any living creature for any reason-- nor would I believe it'd work if I could do it-- so to the hypothetical example that has no real meaning for the problem we face, No, I would not!

    Welcome to Rainy Day :)

  4. It is a bit scary the way things are heading and I am not sure if we can easily turn them around. Times sure do change. The Civil War was actually fought over the issue of States Rights and now we again are seeing the Federal government taking away States Rights. A couple of good examples are the medical marijuana issue and the recent turn down of the State of California (and many others who have similar laws) right to limit farther than the Federal law allowable pollution levels from vehicles.

    Sometimes I wonder if it is worth the effort to try to become an informed voter, but those who don't sure have no right to complain about who (what) we get in our elected officials.

  5. Anonymous8:39 PM


    It's always good to look at the opposing views, especially in politics. My mom taught me to never discuss religion or politics with friends. Of course I failed to learn that lesson.

    Winston and I went to college together 40 some years ago. We lost track of each other and I finally found him thru a mutual retirement club we belong to. It was really neat to see him again after all those years and share a drink and a good dinner.

    He was trying to get me into blogging and I have looked into it but I'm not sure how that would fit me.

    BTW, I think your blog says you live in western Washington. My first girl friend from 1955 now lives in Blaine, Washington. We both have been through a couple of marriages but we have managed to keep in touch over the years.

  6. That's great you reconnected that way, twomartini. I live in western Oregon, in the Coast Range, the wet part of the state.

    I always think in comments that it's good to hear the 'other' side and if someone brings up something I have not covered fully initially, I will comment on it, but I don't try to argue down every viewpoint as I know on almost everything there are varying ways of seeing it.

    You could always try blogging and see if it works for you. I have one that is eclectic, covers many types of topics, doesn't stay consistent, and that has worked for me but I have never figured I'd do it forever. I will do it as long as I have ideas to bring forth-- and now for sure until after the November elections-- Gotta get my two cents worth in on those as I see this as a very important election. It'll be hard for me if we have two candidates where I can't stand either, but I am still hopeful it'll be two of the best on each side-- which is why I hope republicans nominate McCain. I don't like his stand on a lot of issues, but overall, he's the best of that lot-- in my opinion. Some would rather see each party nominate the weakest, easiest to beat person; but I would rather our country had the best choices possible on both sides.

  7. Thank you, Rain! I think this article is important and the answers even more so. I am a Constitutionalist. I believe our founding fathers were forward- thinking men who left sufficient latitude for contigencies. However, I'm sure they are collectively turning in their graves at what has been going on in Washington. Our primary isn't until March and I'm watching very carefully and eliminating candidates slowly but surely. Mitt Romney eliminated himself with this article and Obama is suspect because he really didn't answer the question.

    Those who didn't answer the question at all, of course, didn't surprise me. Rudy and Huckabucks have their agendas and don't deviate and I've heard Fred Thompson say, "I'll have to think about that." one too many times.

    We saw how the Clintons handled executive power and I don't think I need say more.

    I want the Constitution restored and the nonsense we've seen in Congress and the Presidency eliminated. I'm tired of our leaders playing with our liberties.

  8. Anonymous5:05 AM

    I have the power to be wary of executive power!!
