Saturday, September 29, 2007

So what have we learned from Bush?

Winston from Nobody Asked really nailed something I had debated writing about but am glad I put off because he said it better and with a lot of links. If anyone is still supporting Bush and his successors (and you know who they are) please read-- Bush Lied.

I literally find nothing that man does amazing anymore. He has done everything he can to destroy America and smugly implies history will see how wise he was. His confidence in himself goes beyond simple ego to near insanity.

The issue now is not just about him, although I'd favor impeaching him which I realize our cowardly Congress wouldn't have the guts to do (or they are being paid off also which is most likely the truth); but it's who do we elect next. Please read this article in Slate and give it some serious thought before you support someone for the nomination or vote in November 2008-- Learning from Bush's Mistakes.


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    "Decisive but smart" the article said at the end.
    THAT is precisely where the American people were fooled by Bushy. HOW....I have NO idea. Because from Day One he never fooled me for one minute.
    My vote, at the moment, will go to Obama. Both decisive and smart, in addition to many other important qualities.
    And as for that impeachment, I SOOO hoped would come....I think we can forget it. Congress is too concerned about upcoming votes, etc. rather than doing the RIGHT thing. It's all very discouraging and I, for one, have gotten mighty tired of it all.

  2. It's funny, but I feel like you do regarding Hillary. And debates really are such a farce. I have not watched any so far. Hillary is smart and visionary, but she's such a professional politician that I wonder if she bleeds. I'll definitely vote for a Democrat myself because I usually do, but I'm already distancing myself from the whole damned process. It's such an illusion.r

  3. Rain -- You articulated beautifully exactly what I feel about the plight of our country. I am an independent who tends to vote Democratic but I will not be persuaded to vote for Hillary nor will I vote for any Bush apologist. I am currently checking voting records and as well as respect for that fine document upon which our country was founded. The Iraqi War is unconstitutional and nobody except Dr. Ron Paul has had the cojones to say so. I am tired of having a decent choice when I go to the polls. Having a choice between Tweedledum and Tweedledumber has no appeal. Right now I'm ready to vote NO for president given what I'm hearing and reading.

  4. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Thanks for the mention. Your latest post and Terri's comment here really helped me focus better on why our Democratically controlled Congress is doing nothing about anything. They seem to have the notion that if they stay silent now and do nothing, then more of them will have a chance of getting elected, along with a Dem President, in '08. What a way to run a railroad...

  5. The Congress and all the politicians definitely seem to be putting themselves and their party ahead of what is best for the country. It is sad and it has always been that way, whether it is worse now, I don't know but it is reported more now.
