Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Real Age

A friend sent me this simple test, and I thought it was fun. It is not guaranteeing how old you will get to be but looking at the events in your life now, your health care routines, what would be your expected life span? And the thing I liked is how it showed immediate consequences. So you were going to live to be 90 and your cholesterol is this number, here is what difference it can make. So try it out. It also gives your supposed real age. Some things we cannot change but other things, we can-- if we want.


  1. That is a pretty good test. It makes you take stock of your life and life style.
    I got Real Age 37.1 with a life expectancy of 78.9.

  2. Interesting test. It said my real age was younger than I actually am. I wish it could take away my gray hair (just kidding!).

  3. It's easy to take away gray hair, comes in a bottle but yours is so beautiful, robin, that it'd be a crime to do it. It had me 10 years younger than I am and living to be 90.4. I always figured 85 would be good enough *s*

  4. Anonymous4:31 PM

    There's nnnnnnnoooooo way you're 63!! Like the blog, came by way of Travels with Huggy. Have a great one.

  5. I got a real age of 11 years younger, and a life expectancy of over 91 years...Wow, I'm not even sure I WANT to live that long! Well, unless I could still take care of myself. And since I still smoke - I just don't think it can be right - but it was kind of fun.

  6. I was surprised that I am not expected to live even as long as my mother - 3/4 of a year less than her. But she problably lied about her age when she applied for a birth ceritificate which will make me more than 4 years younger when I am estimated to die.

  7. I took the test again, this time being just a little more optimistic about a couple of items and my Real Age changed to 33.3 and my life expectancy went up to 82.7. That sounds more like considering many of my relatives that lived long enough to die from natural causes lived to be quite old. But then again the ones that died young didn't have a chance for any of the normal health problems to really develop.
    I would like to live a long time as long as my quality of life is decent and I can remember what my name is and who is feeding me.

  8. I did this a few months ago and came up 1 year older than I am. I was so discouraged that I didn't look at the expectancy stats. What really pissed me off, however, was I started to get piles of mail from them and I didn't even subscribe. I am now unsubscribed. It is a good test and a lot of food for thought, however.
