Friday, July 20, 2007

Logic 101

[On its simplest level, logic is the skill of being able to decide if two statements, which might even be true, actually can be used to conclude a third is true. A + B = C. It is the science of reasoning.]

For anyone who still believes anything George Bush says, we were supposed to believe that in mid-September, when his recently appointed and generally respected military leader there reports on progress, Bush would analyze the data and listen to this general's recommendations, leading to a realistic conclusion for what should be done next.

If the military effort was not quelling violence, if there was no promising government in place (and with their lawmakers nowhere near consensus and taking August for vacation, what do you think those odds are?), if the report said the surge hadn't worked, many logically assumed we would then begin the process of leaving.

Leaving would mean Iraqis would have to settle their own civil war, which yes, we set in motion or rather enabled by eliminating the power that had been controlling their religious and tribal hatreds. Are we capable of settling this for them? Our leaving might lead to more Iraqi deaths than currently is happening or might not. It will lead to less American military deaths.

None of what might seem logical will decide what happens next. We all know by now Bush has his own form of logic. Bush, who seems to feel he's on a divine mission, could even see we are in a mess. He might agree he had been wrong on what would happen in attacking Iraq. Heck, golly gee, might have even made a mistake (the fault of bad advisers, of course), but his realizing he made a mistake doesn't appear to figure into what he will do next. Although he didn't know what would happen before, he does now-- or so we are supposed to believe.

Bush is beginning to make speeches indicating September is not a benchmark. We might just need more time, more troops, more something. We can't lose, can we? (translated, he can't) Or as he likes to say over and over, we can't have suits running this war. Considering he's naked, as in the Emperor's New Clothes, I can see why he wouldn't see himself wearing one of those suits.

Using Bush or Cheney logic, there will be no leaving the morass in Iraq and an attack on Iran is likely their next proposed step (not that they will propose it. Dictators don't ask. They dictate).

We are hearing the same mishmash of unrelated things being brought forth that we heard before the Iraqi war began. So, although we are not successfully fighting the war we are in; although Iran has a larger more effective army than Iraq; figure in that our troops are already stretched to their limit (and beyond); don't forget to factor in that any general who disagrees with him has been forced out of power; and it's easy to see what bushie logic comes up with: bomb Iran

To write about the Bush administration, regarding anything, is one of the most unenjoyable things I do here. It's obvious those people believe the United States elects dictators every 4 years. They don't care what the lowly people think. By their reckoning, Bush is accountable to nobody-- except god who whispers in his ear. The neocon concept of going around the world, sending in our troops to kill and destroy to bring American style democracy sounds like a bad joke, given what these politicians are trying to pull off in their home country, except it's what they are doing. The question has always been why. What do they really gain? Some quotes by James Madison, our fourth president, might have some of the answers.

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." James Madison

"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it compromises and develops the germ of every other." James Madison

"The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home." James Madison

This is exactly what we are facing-- an administration who has ruthlessly used war to break down constitutional power to give more power to the executive branch. It is not the first time humans will have faced those who would take away their liberties to maintain someone else's power. It could be the last here if we look away at this critical time in our history.

We have a government in power that it appears doesn't believe in any of our original founding principles. The people who fill the right wing talk radio slots, the ones who blocked a vote in the Senate on bringing our troops home, have hung their star on one word-- winning-- and it's their party, not the American people, who must win. They want Americans to equate what has been done so far in Iraq, who we have recently been reminded (you think that was coincidence?) has the second largest oil reserve in the world, with fighting the people who attacked us on 9/11.

People sometimes say it's not fair to just complain. What would you do differently? Okay, my solution to the Iraqi war would be to bring our troops home. Whether we will depends on if we have enough Congressional Republicans who are patriots first and party members second.

My solution to Bush being president would be to begin impeachment proceedings of both Bush and Cheney, criminal charges to follow. The current Congress is not likely to impeach either of them. Packing courts probably ends the second possibility also.

My solution to my personal angst over all this is to live my life as fully as I can, with as much positive, loving energy as I can muster-- but never let myself forget what the founding fathers intended. Many of them saw the risks of what is currently happening.

There appears to me to be only one way to stop Bush and Cheney-- demand Congress stop funding the Iraqi war and impeach them both. If the litany of things the Bush administration has done to grow its power (lying to go to war, outing an American spy, torturing, secret powers and signing statements, eliminating right to trial whenever they decide, continually hiding what is truly going on from Americans, and the list goes on) don't qualify as high crimes demanding impeachment, I don't know what would-- lying about a blow job?

Although I thought, in a time of so much danger, impeachment would be a mistake, I now think if it isn't done now and Republicans win in 2008, they will have us in an endless war to stay in power. Do you hear any of those Republican candidates except Ron Paul saying anything to indicate they would follow any different paths?

These people have made it easier for Al Qaeda to recruit more terrorists to attack us. This group will destroy our liberties. They hope to succeed by using the American twisted logic of manifest destiny-- whatever we do has to be ordained by god-- and they will do it because a sizable group in this nation still don't get it. Winning is not everything. You can win and lose! And as we can see with what happened with Vietnam, you can lose and win.

For those who believe we have to fight them over there to not have to fight them here, please go back and take some basic philosophy classes where you learn logic. If A and B don't relate, you cannot say together they equal C.

Yes, we have a terrorist problem-- Al Qaeda (you remember, the real ones who attacked us before and will again when they get their plans in place) are growing in power and influence. Yes, Al Qaeda leadership does have a safe haven-- it's not Iraq.

We also have a logic problem. Fighting a war costs money-- except in the name of this so-called patriotism of George Bush and his cronies, who are dismantling our Constitution and bankrupting our nation with debts for a war they believe in so much but aren't willing to personally pay an extra dime (it's all on the cuff) to fight.
Fighting 'them' over there to not have to fight 'them' here is both illogical and selfish; but we have a president who is selfish and uses no logic in his role as decider.

“It’s more of a theological perspective. I do believe there is an Almighty, and I believe a gift of that Almighty to all is freedom. And I will tell you that is a principle that no one can convince me that doesn’t exist.” George Bush Friday 13, 2007 (An excellent example of Bush logic and how about that for an apropos date!)

If you believe George Bush has a personal line to god, you might feel reassured by what he said-- even if he is dismantling your own freedom to do it, but if you don't see it that way, what do you believe should be done now? He thinks you not only don't care but don't have enough gumption to do anything. Is he right?

And yes, this was a rant!


  1. YES! Faced with impeachment the President and Vice President might resign! I am always optimistic.

  2. I have no answers. Impeachment could take forever and both would be out of office before it's completion. I'm still trying to figure out how he got re-elected!

    I'm tired of him and of front line conservatives defending his riding roughshod over the Constitution whose authors are doing flipflops in their tombs at what we've allowed our country to become. I'm tired of an ill-conceived war that smacks of the VietNam debacle -- only worse. I'm tired of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. I think that we need to come together and let those in Congress know, to borrow a line from the great film, Network, that "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna taking it anymore!"

  3. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Rain, you should know by now not to look to Bush or anyone around him and expect anything logical. There is an old axiom that when a situation doesn't make sense, look for the greed factor, follow the money. That has defined this administration since day one.

    What we thought would start to slowly change the course of the Iraq occupation and a war that we cannot win, has been a dismal failure. That's the Democrats who were voted into office last year to shift the balance of both legislative chambers. And now they side with the Bush Republicans in sufficient numbers to continue the Bush policies, whatever they may be.

    Face it. Accept it. Get used to it. We are in Iraq permanently. Our country will be bled dry to keep our troops over there getting killed by the thousands while accomplishing nothing. Very soon, we will be so weak that even the meager border control we do have will become totally ineffective, and that will be the end of us. Doom and gloom? You bet...

  4. Yes, impeachment would be costly but there is no other way to stop these people. And I agree Winston, the democrats who don't vote to change things have to go also. The American people either stand up now for a different way or it will be too late. I am afraid with Bush it's worse than about money. He's mentally sick in some way and it's very scary that a man like that got elected even once, let alone twice. It's beyond me to understand why it happened, Kay; except something is inherently wrong with this country also-- a value screw-up that the right wing doesn't talk about.

    I don't know how but we need to try and fix it, not accept it. Iran will be next and then, unlike right now, there will be no way out of the wars. That is probably what that bunch wants, and they don't think what we want matters. Maybe Winston is right and it is too late. I'd hate to believe that

  5. In a democracy you get the government you deserve. NONE of the politicians seem to care about anything right now except getting and maintaining power. We need some true statesmen who value the nation and liberty above their own parties power.

  6. Anonymous1:20 PM

    What should be done?
    First....BRING our troops home!
    Second...Impeach, Impeach, Impeach!
    I, personally, called Nancy Pelosi's office to tell her I was very unhappy that she's backed down on the impeachement. I damn near fell over when her line was actually answered by a real, live, male, voice! I stammered and then asked to speak with her if she was available...she wasn't but he gave me her voice mail and I left her a message saying that I TRUSTED she would DO the right thing and get Bush and Cheney impeached. NOW! Before it's TOO late.
    Great post, Rain!

  7. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I am glad to read that there are americans who think like this, as most of us in Yurp do.

    A very good rant, Rain, thankyou!

  8. That was some exposition! I like Bush, though. I appreciate your passion. Impeachment's not the answer, and I don't think there's really a case for it. He'll be gone in eighteen months. The Democrats haven't done so well in the congressional majority, so I'm not sure a Dem in the White House is going to be so great.

    In any case, have a great week!

  9. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I hope the people of the world learn from the past 7 years of nightmare and learn that war is never an option. From any angle, the United States is more weakened and vulnerable than ever by all these anti-terrorist "efforts" than any real act of terrorism could ever do. Just look at New Orleans, a year after Katrina and much of the city was still left in ruins. The army is stretched so thin the government couldn't send help to its people that're most in need. What a sadistic joke.

  10. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Rain, it might be a rant, a diatribe, or whatever - but to me, it's right on. Great job. I don't usually 'do' politics - my family and friends certainly don't want to hear my beliefs, and I get so very very tired of hearing how Bush was 'ill advised'. Where the hell do they think the buck stops?

  11. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Sigh! My solution would be the same solution as yours, if there were any logic. But, instead it's the Backwards Bush countdown. I can't even bear to see the man's face anymore because I feel such shame. But, I'm not seeing any white knight or lady riding up to save us yet either. Precipitous withdrawal--spin. Sheesh.
