Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The military-industrial complex and 1984

Before he left the presidency, Dwight Eisenhower warned of something he saw as a risk ahead. "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." He said a lot of other very wise things that obviously are no longer the belief of either party of today-- despite some of their claims.

My husband was listening to NPR as he was treating the sheep for parasites and giving the lambs their shots. He heard a man speaking about private military companies, about the secret power such groups have under the mis-named Patriot Act. It truly is scary and when I began to research online about the book coming out about it, it got more scary.

Interview with Jeremy Skahill about his new book-- Blackwater. The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army.

There are a lot more articles on this group online and well worth reading because this is where we are. We already have a huge private military group with power to do whatever they need overseas and how long before it's also here-- if it isn't already. It is being run by people who call themselves Christians but operate as fascists. If this isn't scary, I don't know the meaning of that word. Worse is that a lot of Americans probably think great-- then their sons and daughters don't have to go overseas, then they will be safe. They think the same thing when they realize they have lost most of the Bill of Rights, but it's okay because they are safe...

A friend and I had a lengthy conversation [okay argument] last night about the two main political parties. His belief is neither will ever change anything important. He said both are the same, just slight variations to let us think we voted for somebody. It's easy to believe that when you look at the suggestions democrats are putting out for Iraq. In '08 will we have a real choice that means a real change? If a real choice was out there, would the powers that are in control now let that voice be heard for long?

One big difference now that never was true before are things like YouTube as well as blogging. YouTube lets everyone see a presidential speech or the latest discussion on a myriad of issues. An ordinary person can write a blog and let their voice be heard, but then what? Is it already too late to undo some of what has been done? I am not saying it is, but asking the question.

YouTube has a couple of cute ads showing the power of this communication tool and how easy it is for bloggers, all across this world, to get these things out. Instead of massive advertising budgets, all a candidate or group need to cover are production costs.

The downside, for the viewer, is you can't be sure who put them out. You can't know that a speech hasn't been edited. Buyer beware is the best advice. The upside is they can deal with issues that matter (or just be funny).

One of the YouTubes is of Edwards (likewise, a good example of how they went after Gore and Kerry). It's silly but definitely funny. That particular video is NOT a reason to vote against someone. It's a good reason to laugh.

The second is a different type and about something a lot more serious. This 1984 inspired ad is warning against the existing establishment. The ad is well done, scary and something to be thought about seriously. The implication is you vote for Obama to avoid being controlled by the establishment, but how do we really know who controls him already? The video represents a warning and speaks to us all doing our part. One person can make a difference if enough of them come together.

The question for Americans to answer is do we want a huge, mercenary, military complex that is outside the government-- no matter which party or president is in office? Do we want a brain-washed populace? I don't even like to think what the answer to that might be.


  1. Somehow that lost the link to the interview and I have learned that when you embed a YouTube, you cannot save it even once or it loses something and you have to do it all over, here is that link for those interested-- Interview with Skahill

  2. Interesting perspective on the political parties. Sometimes it seems there really is not much of a difference.

    As for Blackwater I think you nailed it. They are being used as a substitute for our military in many uses and they are shielded from much of the political fallout that can follow the military. After the first Gulf War, the military re-evaluated what jobs could be contracted out and what should remain within the military. Clinton started and Bush expanded this use of private contractors for jobs previously performed by government employees as a way to save money and get better technical experts. Now with the war in Iraq where there is no clear front lines the boundaries of what is performed by contractors and military personnel is very blurry. There was a recent fire-fight at a police station there where contractor security forces and US soldiers fought side by side. It is against US policy for private contractors to engage in combat operations but when under attack their lives depended on defending the station and they figured they would sort out the details later on.

    I think President Eisenhower was speaking from his own life experiences. Japan started their aggression that led them into WWII because of their military industrial complex and the need for oil and raw materials to feed it.

    As for the power of Utube it has the potential to be very powerful. Didn't a Congressman get into trouble recently for having a racial comment caught on cellphone video and then put on Utube. Ask Rodney King, video can have a strong impact on peoples feelings. And now that everyone has a video recorder on their cellphone their is plenty of raw footage available.
    I kind of rambled there but it is that kind of day.

  3. Eisenhower was also resisting the pressures to get more involved in Vietnam and he knew what war was. If you check out his quotes online, he said a lot about the high price of war-- something our current president and vice president avoided experiencing for themselves.

  4. I saw that interview on tv the othernight when Bob was over, and He said he all need to be scared to death as that man was Scary as Hell. I had to admit that I did not know anything about him and he is bringing me his book. SO I too will be enlightened soon.

  5. Anonymous11:45 PM

    I heard about Blackwater for the first time today on NPR. I didn't even know it existed--nor did I know that they aren't just hired for war--they were hired guns in New Orleans. Frankly, it's too upsetting to even think about. I think Rose Colored Glasses has a very interesting perspective. As for the videos, I am looking at them with a smile, but the Hillary one is pretty chilling.

  6. Anonymous3:54 AM

    People should read this.

  7. Anonymous7:13 PM

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    got much clear idea concerning from this post.
