Sunday, February 18, 2007

Another New Year

Entering the Chinese Year of the Pig does not appear to be the good news many of us hoped for when we started our own new year in January. It is predicted by some soothsayers to be a time of possible disasters, but then what was the last year?! Using the elements as part of how they assess what a new year will be, the Year of the Pig has fire on top of water which even a non-soothsayer would know is not going to be conducive to relaxing. They say it could mean more violence but all you had to do was listen to Bush at his last news conference and you can bet on more violence-- if no one stops him.

I am not sure who the people are who still support President Bush, but could anybody listen to his last press conference and not see a man clearly on the brink? What is frightening to me is how much power the United States puts in the hands of one man. We elect him... probably although some would debate how fair our elections are. But once he's in, he has the power of the United States military behind him and unless they say nope, no way, not gonna do that, and he replaced all who would say that, he has the power to go to war or expand that war whether it makes sense or not.

Does it disturb his supporters that the military is still not adequately armored? Can anybody believe that couldn't have been done years back and yet here we are with a 'surge' and still not enough armor. It boggles my mind how these are the supposed patriots who are behind this and yet they would once again send soldiers into combat without all the equipment money can buy. And don't give me what Rumsfeld said about how you go to war with the military you have, not the one you wish you had. That was ridiculous. The whole Iraqi thing was chosen and most probably for political purposes as it sure wasn't related to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Listening to Bush try to justify attacking Iran, his petulant expression when anyone acted as though we have heard this before, was scary to me and should be to anyone who cares about this country and the ones actually on the front line of this war. Have you read how veterans are not getting all the care they need, all the care they were promised? If you support this war, does that bother you? Do you wonder why a leader who is so 'supportive' of our military, doesn't make sure the medical and psychological care returning soldiers receive is the best?

Read Frank Rich's column for February 18th about the Iranian situation. What he is describing should disturb us all-- even 'true believers.'

Bush claims he listens to experts but he has replaced anyone who doesn't say what he wants to see done. To me, it doesn't take a soothsayer to see that the Year of the Pig might not bring the world good news.


  1. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Bravo once again to you, Rain, for bringing out this important subject and keeping it "out" there.
    You bet I'm scared....I've been scared, concerned, worried, angry, frustrated and disappointed from the moment this fiasco started almost 4 years ago now.
    We have a bully in the White House and anybody who denies this just chooses not to see the forest for the trees. And having a bully with SO much power is darn scary to me!

  2. Anonymous9:09 PM

    And I'm scared, too, Rain, but I simply don't allow myself to think about it much. Did you see 60 Minutes tonight? I was fascinated to hear about Kurdistan, which is only 40 miles from Baghdad, and technicially is part of Iraq. It's like night and day and it made me feel hopeful that good can happen.

  3. Wonderful post Rain, and beautifully said. There are a lot of people voicing their opinions about Bush everyday...and they're all worried and scared, just as I am. Every time I read a post about him and the lunacy that goes along with all that he shakes me. I literally have to force myself to stop thinking about it sometimes...I'm THAT upset by it all. I can't even watch him without becoming agitated...and to hear what comes out of his mouth is pure torture. How his presidency has evolved into the horror we all have in front of us is one of the most disturbing and frightening things I've ever felt. The fact that he has the power to continue the insanity...that's the most disturbing thing of all.

  4. My dreams are disturbed by this but I don't think about it much during the day because I don't know what to do. When this war started I did some angry paintings and I put them up in local coffee shops. I could show them again. Would they be of any help? I don't think so, other than saying I told you so. Building my own ego won't help.
    I notice two things happening. Now the demonstrations are not as big. Oh, there were some grandmothers against the surge who were arrested.
    I am more disturbed about the neighbor kids playing war. I see these little plastic balls left from their guns all over our road and everywhere outside. Maybe I could make a difference with these young men. I wonder what I could do. I could invite these young boys over to paint with me?

  5. I have taken a break from politics over the holiday weekend. I tried to read the Frank Rich article but a subscription is required. I am registered at the NYTimes but not a paying customer yet.
    There seems to be very little reporting on all the success with North Korea lately. Maybe there is hope that we can reach a diplomatic solution with Iran too. I had a feeling Korea would blink. There are moderate elements in Iran that want to see the country succeed and enter the 21st century, but the Islamists have the muscle at the moment.

  6. Oh and Fran yes the kurd part of Iraq has been mostly peaceful and automonous all along. There was a time when only a few Iraqi provinces were not peaceful, but some of those are evolving into the civil war between the Shiite and Sunni factions.
    The problem with the Kurds splitting off into their own country is Turkey. Kurdistan lies in Iraq, Turkey and Iran and Turkey is threatened by and independant Kurdish state next door encouraging separatism in Turkish Kurds.....they are afraid it will be like Chechnya in Russia. Not long ago the Turks used to cut out the tongues of anyone caught speaking the Kurd language.

  7. I don't know where you get your news, ingineer, but I have been reading a lot about North Korea. John Bolton (Bush's pick for UN ambassaror) said we had sold out and were being tricked. If you will recall, we had a similar deal under Clinton. The main question with countries like North Korea is whether they will keep to what they have suggested they will do. The other concern, some have expressed, is it shows that if you have a nuclear bomb, you get stuff from everybody else. Time will tell whether this is a deal that leads to real peace in that region. We can hope because the alternative is not good to think about.

  8. Sure you can find news about Korea, but as far as Network or front page stuff it is pretty limited. I guess Anna Nicole's will is more important stuff. I know that it may be a trick as any dealings with other countries always might be. But I have always been optimistic that North Korea was just trying to posture to get aid and look powerful. They could not fight a sustained war without food for their people and army. Also they have already fought one war against their brothers to the south and even though they talk big I have a feeling neither side really wants to do it again.

    ps you just have to get a shot in on Bush with every comment don't you. ;-)

  9. There was no shot at Bush in my last comment here. Sure, I have no respect for him. I didn't like him when he was elected and my respect for him has steadily gone downhill.

    I am just saying about North Korea that this same deal was suspect by people like you when it was Clinton who got it. Now suddenly you see it as a real difference-- only because you trust Bush's good judgement. What basis do you have for that by the way? Even John Bolton didn't where it came to North Korea.

    I and I would think anybody who wanted to see the world have some peace hope it will mean peace for that region but trusting North Korea's leader to do anything based on logic is not wise-- based on past experience.
