Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Dreams of... doughnuts???

In some dreams I am clearly one of the people. Sometimes I am a viewer. Other times I slip between watching and being. In this dream, I think I watched it unfold.

The dream began with a woman who worked in a store and learned she won a contest which she didn't seem to realize she had entered. They told her it meant whatever she wanted for a month, she could magically buy-- possessions, trips, property, anything that could be purchased. At first she didn't see this as a big deal; then she began to realize what it could mean and began to travel.

In a small town, she saw a kiosk that had people lined up to buy something. She asked what it was. 'They are buying doughnuts.' Doughnuts! Who would wait in line to buy them? (she was as much a fan of them as I am which means was not).

Hey, these weren't just any doughnuts but the best in the world. Melt in your mouth, totally wonderful doughnuts.

Well heck if they are that good, she might as well try one. She went looking for the end of the line as it wove way through the town. Finally in an alley, she saw the last three people just in time to hear the doughnuts had run out. More would be available the next day.

Sticking around, that night she met the man who made these doughnuts. He was very nice, ordinary type guy. She and he hit it off. Not exactly a romance but one of those relationships with potential to be more.

The next morning, she got in line early for the doughnuts except she then decided rather than buy one (she never did try one), she wanted to give away the prize she had won. Basically it was as though she divided it up into small servings of dough. Each person, who was handed a small piece of it, would be able to buy something they really wanted but not everything. The dream ended as she was still giving away those pieces.

Not in anyway could I see how this dream applied to my life, but I looked up what seemed like the main things: doughnuts, receiving and giving, a line, a man, a crowd, and dough.

To dream something is being given to you suggests you need to appreciate the gifts you have. To dream that you are giving something away indicates you need to give more in some relationship or situation.

To see a doughnut in a dream represents the Self. It suggests you might be feeling lost and still trying to find yourself or your purpose in life. Alternatively it refers to growth, development and nurturance. You do not feel completely whole. In this instance, I didn't see the doughnuts, just heard they were there and everybody loved eating them.

A man in your dream could illustrate the masculine aspect of yourself. A happy orderly crowd denotes assured happiness, pleasant friends and opportunities. To see a line of people or objects indicates that you need to be more aware of some situation or relationship. To dream you are standing in line indicates your need for more patience. You should be prepared to wait for something and not have it right away. To see or work dough signifies potential, possibilities and the ability to create.

So did it have meaning for me? Not personally probably but maybe some dreams are just intended to give pleasure-- like going to a movie that inspires. This one did that with her unselfish and surprising decision to give away what most would hold onto. She had bought nothing with her prize, but perhaps she found something that mattered more.

I couldn't think of any pictures for this one given I don't eat doughnuts except under highly unusual situations-- like a kiosk selling doughnuts that melt in your mouth.


  1. Anonymous9:50 PM

    This is one of those "dreams for us all" kinds of dream. I couldn't help but think of the main character feeding the crowd--like communion, or feeding the 5,000. It all seems very archetypal, but on the other hand, it also would make a great short story, along with your art illustrating it. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Anonymous6:39 AM

    The donut is the key Rain !!

  3. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I produced a couple of shows on dreams and nightmares back in the 80s and one thing our experts were in agreement on is that dream dictionaries are pretty much next to useless in interpreting personal symbology. Most likely the doughnut has personal associations that you could explore - maybe even based on remembrances from childhood or some occasion long forgotten. Maybe try exploring what a doughnut represents - a treat that is empty in the middle. The giving away and sharing - breaking bread - could be a punnish reference to "holey" communion. Dough is slang for money ...

    According to Patricia Garfield, author of Creative Dreaming - dreams speak in their own particular "dreamish" language, and that is idiosyncratic to the dreamer. So my interpretation would be very different from yours. And they do speak in puns, surprisingly

  4. Interesting thoughts, Karen. I'd love to see such a show. I have painted my dreams quite a few times, some of which have been posted in this blog or the one that came before it.

    On using a dream dictionary. All it does for you is provide some common interpretations of certain symbols. It is up to the one reading those to see how they might fit for their particular dream and life.

    I have, however, been told the same thing about Tarot, which I read-- that you should not use a guide book with common themes but rather look at the cards and decide for yourself what they mean. I think it comes down to whatever works for the individuals.

    On the doughnut dream, after I thought about it, about the symbology that the dream dictionary suggested,I think it has application for me in my creative life and probably anyone else who creates. I knew it had meaning because it was unique and it was vivid, but it took time for it to come to how it applied to issues I am working on right now.

    Thanks to all for posting what you know about dreams and hope you will continue to do so when the subject fits. It always adds to the idea.

  5. I think parts of this dream has potential for a children's book. I t would keep an illustrater busy drawing the long line. The illustrater could add a whole new dimension to it.

  6. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I'm shaking my head...God, your dreams are definitely more like movies.
    This was quite the dream. I liked your take on it also.
    I think you're right what you said on the other post....staying put quietly when one first wakes up does help to hang onto the dream. I don't often do that, as I have 3 cats meowing at me and two dogs yawning they're ready to go outside....lol
    THAT could be my problem....NO time to actually process the dream and let it just come forward.

  7. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Okay I dreamt that I was going to visit a friend at mile 2 road then I bought snacks (buns ‘meat pie,doughnuts)so I ate them is it a bad dream ??

  8. i don't know anything that would make it bad unless there is more to it lol

  9. Anonymous12:56 AM

    I saw so many doughnuts and buns in my dreams
    I feel it’s a good omen
    Please help me out.
