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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Time is a River

One of the things on my list of desiring to learn has been fly fishing. I read books about it. I have my pole and equipment and have learned what Farm Boss can teach me, but it takes doing it to really make it your own.

Now I don't desire to catch fish to keep. I have a barbless hook. I fish as he does for the joy of learning how to convince the fish that my fly is a living object, a food that is part of their food chain. It requires knowing the river, the pole, and the fish.

Because of this yen, I was drawn to the novel, Time is a River by Mary Alice Monroe. I first heard of it when it was out in hardback, but I don't like buying books that way. Easier to read once they are in paperback; so I waited and then this spring, there it finally was.

It's a great read of a woman trying to heal from emotional and physical hurts, and how a North Carolina river, an old cabin, and fishing are part of that healing. Oh there is a man in the story, several of them actually as the main character, Mia, learns about the woman who had lived in her cabin many years before she came to it. It's about art, journaling, fishing, the heart, and made an excellent read.

The writer put together two very intriguing YouTubes as part of selling her book and they were good teasers for getting the book:


Kay Dennison said...

Sounds great -- and noted for the reading list!!!! Thanks!

Paul said...

I hear that it is great fun...I fish, but the fish out smart me more often than not.I take solace in the fact that a lot of fellow fishermen (of both sexes) suffer the same indignity...LOL

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

I'm finally getting around to returning to my favorite blogs! I haven't read this book, but will put it on my Goodreads to read list. I still remember that beautiful country (which I know you love) of A River Runs Through It.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

This sounds like a wonderful book, Rain....And I loved the two Videos. It's great to hear the author talking about what she has written--including illustrating the River and the fish! Thanks for the 'heads up'...!

robin andrea said...

I'll put this on my library list. Thanks for the recommendation.

Dick said...

I don't fish but do buy books. I've recently bought a Sony eBook Reader so recently have been exploring the world of books available in that format. You wouldn't believe how many of them I can store in a very small space, nor how many I can take along on a trip. And I guess it saves trees.

Rain Trueax said...

I have never been sure how I'd like an 'electronic' device for reading books. I had read your discussion of it on your blog but did not comment for that reason. I can see the advantage though as I had 4 books with me on the recent trip, which meant a fair amount of weight and I didn't read one of them.