Comments, relating to the topic, are welcome, add a great deal to a blog, but must be in English, with no profanity, hate-filled insults, or links (unless pre-approved).

Friday, March 27, 2009

traveling time again

This year we have been trying to get ourselves down to the house in Tucson since somewhere in January but something always came up. Farm Boss had project problems, lambing, calving, family events, and every possible date unraveled. Finally we knew if we didn't go, it would be too hot in Tucson to accomplish what is needed there (exterior painting (siding and roof) and landscaping).

Even this time something went wrong at the last minute with a ewe that got bloat. We aren't sure what caused it, but our remedies didn't work and she died. We do have a couple who are looking after the farm while we are gone; but still it has been one more worrisome thing to make leaving hard. We don't know if what happened to her was an anomaly (which is what we are assuming but can't be sure)? She leaves a lamb who is hopefully old enough to make it now without its mom. Very sad but part of raising livestock unfortunately.

At any rate, we are driving south though Nevada which means I will not be accessing the computer as often until I am in Tucson. This is not a problem for most of the blog since I have written some things (on economics) that reflect my thinking and concern and are set to auto publish.

Reluctantly, I am leaving comment moderation in place because of the crass comments that come through once in awhile whenever I write about politics. While I value thoughtful dissent, crude insults don't further the conversation nor do they bring real ideas onto the table. Although I won't get on here as often to okay comments, with more motels having wireless, I hope to do that at night.

Please do comment because sharing our ideas is a benefit to us all as we try to understand something even the experts don't agree about. This idea of 'trust us' has not worked very well. It's time to be informed if we value our savings, investments and want to see this country prosper. If anyone would like to write about how the current economic situation is impacting them, that would also be welcome.

I am still trying to adjust to the fact that more and more tent cities are springing up across the country with whole families living without roofs over their heads or the normal things we have come to believe were possible for most Americans. What is going on here? Is this truly like the Dust Bowl and many of us have been oblivious to what is happening but won't be soon?

Anyway, while at [Casa Espiritu], we will be painting and doing landscape work (hopefully get in some hiking and photography). The house sits on an acre of natural desert but even that needs work now and again.I have been torn between wanting to home, to be in the desert or in Montana. I have noticed that often what I love most tends to be farthest apart-- not a very wise way to arrange my life!

The photo was taken March 26th in northern California and a valley where most of the ranches were beginning their branding. We saw it from the highway and stopped for a few photos. It was a fantastic setting, ready for a painting. Even though I am part of raising cattle, this kind of sight is fascinating to me as our operation doesn't have gathers, brandings, or horses.


robin andrea said...

I'm taking a wait and see approach to the proposed economic fixes that have been offered. I read Paul Krugman's editorials and blog and am concerned about the direction we are headed, but I don't think the administration will go in the direction he would really like to see. They seem very intent on maintaining the structure and status quo in finance.

I hope your journey is a good and safe one. Enjoy your time on the road.

Diane Widler Wenzel said...

Here again I must make a reminder comment. I too have questions about important decisions of the President Obama Administration. My oldest grandchild will be 17 next month with a promising prospect of a full ride scholarship to the University of choice. Or the military looms as an alternate future. European military assaults on Afganistan region including Iran,Russia, and Pakistan. The difficulty with past military action has been the rugged geography and illiteracy. Building schools as well as military training of the local population. We need a few one word slogans and a logo for not just the leaders but the whole population of the region being behind some goal that all can relate to. With the reality of computers and cell phones the once safe mountains of Afiganistan may be tutored into responsible members of the world.

Kay Dennison said...

Bon voyage, Rain! I hope you have a safe trip and an enjoyable stay in Tuscon.

Dick said...

I wish we were on our way to Tucson. Snowbirding is something I really do miss and wish that Pat were willing to give it a try. But I don't know what we would do with the cats. Huggy is used to traveling but the other two are not and we still have cat wars going on so that would never work in the smaller confines of the RV. Have fun!

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Ah, by the time you see this, you will be at Casa Espiritu. I'm so sorry to hear that you lost the ewe and also hope the lamb can make it on its own.

Thinking of you at this special time. I've been laying low--sinus infection and some ennui, I'm afraid.